November 25, 2008

My strange addiction to Curious George or how I learned to let go.

Okay, so maybe it's not me, but my son. His favorite nighttime activity is to cuddle with me and watch Curious George. "Mommy, I saved you a spot!" he always says gleefully. While the dishes need to be done, and laundry folded, I bypass them to sit and watch Curious George with him. I give him kisses on his head as he cuddles in my arms. I know I will have to work extra hard and maybe get less time to myself, but I think it's worth it. He's almost four, and he's growing up so fast. Pretty soon he will be in Kinddergarten and then Elementary School. Then I will miss these days and wonder why I was in such a hurry to clean up dishes when I could've spent that time cherishing his little boy cheeks and the tuft of his light blond hair that sticks up in the back. Because soon enough he will have brown hair, thick "big boy" hair that lays flat, and his chubby cheeks will be replaced by a slim face. Soon enough it won't be "cool" to hang out with Mom and he will not want cuddles and kisses. Soon enough he won't be my baby anymore and he will be too big to curl up in my arms, and yet....

There will always be laundry and dishes.

So I take this time. I store it in the back of my mind, savoring my little boy and how we had this special time that he wanted to spend with only me.

Even if it means I have seen every episode of Curious George. Hey, it's better than Bob the Builder.

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